The Joy of The Lord Is Your Strength

Erica Helm • March 25, 2022

Christ is Our Hope

Let's face it the last 2 yrs since covid hit.  Life has been an emotional roller coaster.  So much loss and devastation around us.  How is it even possible to wake up in the mornings, to keep putting one foot in front of the other and to even just smile.  When we know Christ and who he is in his fullness.  We can take heart in knowing HE is our everything.  Did you know Christ is revealed in every book of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation.  We can see HIM in everything.  He's our Rock, Our Salvation, Our Redeemer, The Good Shepherd. Our Provider, Our Banner, Our Healer, Our Peace just to name some.  So when things start to look like doom and gloom know that you have one who is your all in all.  I invite you to do a  character study on who Christ is because when you know HIM intimately.  You will want HIM to be preeminent in you life and not just prominent. Because HE wants your all.

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