It all start with one conversation that lead to a 12 video series of spirit filled conversations with a book to be released soon... Click on the pics below to access the 12 episodes.
Romans 8:14 KJV For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.
God has spoken into our lives. He now leads us daily.
The reading of God's Word is powerful and can change lives!
Obedience is a word that doesn’t always sound very encouraging
The Holy Spirit is always there and available to help you.
Do you desire to see God move in your life?
God led us to conquer fear by reading the Bible every day.
God ordered your birth for a reason.
The Bible tells us that iron sharpens iron.
We are so grateful that we have trusted God with our ministry.
The enemy desires to fill our eyes with distractions.
Christ Himself will intercede for you.
The path of righteousness is a narrow road.
©I Read The Whole Bible Every Year